Idaho Title Loans
Idaho Car Title Loans
Sometimes in life, you find yourself in a financial situation where you’re unable to deal with an unexpected expense. What can you do in these times? You can get an Idaho title loan!
Assuming you reside in Idaho, you have a solution to your financial concerns with the opportunity to get an Idaho title loan for those instances when you need money quickly. You can request a loan for an amount as low as $2,510 or as high as $50,000.
The amount you’re eligible to borrow depends on several factors. You’ll have to meet certain qualifications first.
A glance at reviews from our previous customers will show you that many are highly satisfied. We’ve worked quite hard in recent years to keep our pool of customers happy, even though the title loan process itself has traditionally been a frustrating one. Ours is a process that many people find easy and painless and our new customers are glad they came to us.
Our Satisfied Customers
One happy Idaho customer couldn’t hide how happy she felt after she got her title loan. Work with us today and you could be in her shoes.
It’s easier than you may think to apply for an Idaho straightforward car title loan. You can fill out the paperwork from home if you have a secure Internet connection. All you need is a secure connection to your computer or tablet and you can get the application form started. Don’t want to use your computer? Call us toll free at 877-872-3660 and our agents will guide you through the application process.
If you’re lucky, you can borrow money from your friends or family members. Maybe you’re not that lucky and maybe your friends and family aren’t that reliable. Or you might be embarrassed to even ask them for financial help in the first place. Your financial situation is none of their business.
That’s where Idaho title loans come in. When it’s an emergency, we can help you get the money you need quickly. Sometimes we can help you get your money the same day you apply.
Fill out our easy application online or over the phone any day of the week, even on the weekend. Skip the long lines that take up your time on a working day. With only your tablet, smart phone or computer you can get the application started from the privacy of your own home. Call us if you have any questions about how the title loan process works or how much money you’re eligible to borrow.
Remember that happy customer? One reason why she was happy with us is that we guided her through the Idaho car title loan process from start to finish.
The Temporary Lien
As part of the Idaho auto title loan process, we’ll ask you for spare set of your car keys. We’ll also place a temporary lien on your vehicle’s title. You’ll keep using your vehicle the same way you always have, taking care to keep the vehicle insured during this time in case your car gets into an accident.
You’ll begin repaying the title loan after your loan application is approved and you’ve received your loan payout. If everything goes well, you’ll make your loan payments on time without defaulting. Default is the condition of the loan holder not making the payments they agreed to.
If you find yourself unable to make a payment on your loan for any reason, contact us right away. We can help you find a solution to your problem. Some borrowers are tempted to hide their vehicle because they’re worried about the car being repossessed, but this won’t solve the problem. It’s much better to call us.
No one wants their vehicle to be repossessed, but if the loan goes unpaid, there’s no other option. Vehicles that get repossessed are typically sold at auction. The price at auction is used to make up the defaulted loan payments.
Auto Title Loan Requirements
Of course you need a car before you can get car title loans, vehicle registration loans or auto pink-slip loans. These are the other conditions you need to meet to be eligible:
• Be 18 years of age or older
• Have a driver’s license or other government-issued identification
• Own the vehicle title in your own name with no claims or liens attached to it
• Prove you have a monthly income of no less than $1,200. Pay stubs, tax returns or bank payment receipts can be used to prove this
• Prove your place of residence with a utility bill or rent receipt with your name and address on it
• Provide proof of car insurance for the loan period
• Provide us with 5 references
We use Experian consumer reporting agency to make sure you’ll be able to pay back the terms of the loan. If turned down, you may re-apply with the help of a co-applicant. The co-applicant will be responsible for helping you pay back the loan.
How Much Are You Eligible For?
Factors that determine the loan amount, up to $50,000, that you qualify for:
• Equity you own in the vehicle
• Mileage on the vehicle
• Overall body condition of the vehicle
Do you need cash to pay off tuition fees, utility bills or unpaid medical bills? Are you an Idaho resident? If you can answer yes to both, Idaho title loans could be the answer you’re looking for. Save yourself financial woe and apply for a title loan today.