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Money problems can happen to anyone at any time. Financial emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming, whether unexpected expenses or job losses. In times like these, applying for a loan can [...]
Title Loanser helps you to get started with title loans online and lets you estimate title loan payments with our title loan calculator. Get title loan buyouts and refinance your title loan with our banks, lenders and companies today.
Money problems can happen to anyone at any time. Financial emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming, whether unexpected expenses or job losses. In times like these, applying for a loan can [...]
Automotive Debt Statistics 2022-2023 Auto loan debt is the third-largest debt consumer have, behind mortgages and student loan debt. The average car loan debt for a new car is $648 monthly in [...]
Auto Loan Default Statistics 2022-2021 Defaults increased from auto loan lending standard decay. Q1-2020-to-Q2-2021 auto loan defaults rose from 4.17% to 4.64%. Millennial-driven increases in [...]
Automotive Repossession Facts Paying the Deficiency A deficiency is defined as the difference between your outstanding balance plus any additional fees and what the lender receives after [...]
2022-2021 Car Repossession Facts (United States Data) 2.2 million vehicles are repossessed every year (2022 updated data) 5,418 repossessions every day 226 car repossessions each hour 3.76 [...]
Title Loan Statistics 2022-2021, 2020-2019 7,700 licensed car title lenders in 21 states 226 car repossessions each hour in the USA For the average title loan of $1000, you will spend [...]